Raffle winners will be announced based on the first winning numbers from the Megamillions drawing.


Mega Millions drawings are held Tuesday and Friday at 11:00 pm ET. Five white balls are drawn from a set of balls numbered 1 through 70. You win if the numbers on your ticket match the numbers of the first balls drawn on that date in the following way:

I) If the raffle has up to 70 tickets available (available tickets are specified in each raffle), the first ball drawn is the winning numbers.

Example for Winners Drawing 70 tickets

II) If the raffle has up to 140 tickets available (available tickets are specified in each raffle), the  winning number will be  the sum of the number of the first ball and second ball.

Example for Winners Drawing140 tickets

III) If the raffle has up to 210 tickets available (available tickets are specified in each raffle), the  winning number will be  the sum of the number of the first ball,  second ball and third ball. 

Example for Winners Drawing 210 tickets

IV) If the raffle has up to 280 tickets available (available tickets are specified in each raffle), the  winning number will be  the sum of the number of the first ball,  second ball,  third ball and foruth ball.

You can see the history of megamillions winning numbers clicking on the next button


Percentage of tickets sold rule

Each raffle indicates:

1) Date of drawing,

2) How many tickets are available, i.e., the equivalent of 100% of the raffle,

3) How many tickets sold equal 80% of the raffle,

4) How many tickets have been sold in real time.

I) If 100 percent of the raffle is sold before the drawing date, the drawing will be held three business days after reaching 100 percent. In other words, the drawing will be moved forward. The new date and time of the drawing will be sent to you by e-mail as well as the link where you will be able to see the result at Megamillions.  This new date and time will also be displayed on the raffle portal.

II) Each raffle will indicate the day of the drawing. The raffle will be held on that date as long as at least 80% of the tickets have been sold. If the day of the drawing arrives and 80% of the tickets have not been sold, then the date will be postponed by one month. The new date and time will be sent to your email and will be previously stipulated in the raffle portal.

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